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- NIRA and Central Bank of Somalia Sign MoU to Strengthen Financial Services through National ID Integration

NIRA and Central Bank of Somalia Sign MoU to Strengthen Financial Services through National ID Integration
October 17th, 2024: The National Identification and Registration Authority (NIRA) and the Central Bank of Somalia have signed a groundbreaking Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to enhance collaboration and promote the integration of financial services with Somalia’s National ID system. The signing ceremony, held in Mogadishu, marked a significant milestone in efforts to improve financial accessibility and inclusivity for the Somali public.
The MoU is a key step in linking all financial services provided by institutions across the country to the National ID system, ensuring greater security, efficiency, and transparency. This partnership underscores the critical role of the National ID in advancing Somalia’s financial services sector.
Speaking at the event, the Governor of the Central Bank of Somalia, Mr. Abdirahman Mohamed Abdullahi, highlighted the importance of a robust National ID system as a foundation for financial development. “The National ID is central to the progress of financial services in the country. Without it, engaging with international financial systems and banks would be impossible,” he stated.
NIRA’s Director General, Mr. Abdiwali Ali Abdulle (Timacadde), expressed his gratitude to the Central Bank for its continued collaboration. He introduced NIRA’s digital innovation, the "Hubiye System," a secure platform designed to streamline customer verification processes for banks and financial institutions. “This system will simplify customer identity verification, boosting the efficiency of financial services across the country,” he noted.
The partnership aims to create a seamless connection between the financial sector and the National ID system, enabling enhanced security, financial inclusion, and compliance with global standards. The MoU also reflects the commitment of both institutions to fostering sustainable economic growth and improving access to essential services for all Somali citizens.
Hay’adda Diiwaangelinta iyo Aqoonsiga Dadweynaha ee NIRA iyo Bankiga Dhexe ee Soomaaliya oo Kala Saxiixday Is-afgarad Iskaashi:
October 17th 2024: Hay’adda Diiwaangelinta iyo Aqoonsiga Dadweynaha ee NIRA iyo Bankiga Dhexe ee Soomaaliya ayaa maanta si rasmi ah u kala saxiixday Heshiis Is-afgarad oo loogu gogol-xaarayo iskaashiga iyo wada-shaqaynta labada dhinac.
Heshiiskan ay wada galeen labada dhinac ayaa xoogga saaraya fududaynta helitaanka adeegyada maaliyadeed ee dadweynaha, wuxuuna jidaynayaa in dhammaan adeegyada ay bixiyaan hay’adaha maaliyadda ee dalka lagu xiro Aqoonsiga Qaranka.
Guddoomiyaha Bankiga Dhexe, Mudane Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Cabdullaahi, oo Munaasabadda Saxiixa Heshiiska ka hadlay ayaa hoosta ka xarriiqay sida Aqoonsiga Qaranku uu udub-dhexaad ugu yahay horumarka adeegyada maaliyadeed ee dalka isaga oo sheegay in la’aantiisa aanay suurtagal ahayn in lala tacaamulo bankiyada caalamka.
Maareeyaha Guud ee NIRA Mudane Cabdiwali Cali Cabdulle (Timacadde) oo isna madasha ka hadlay ayaa Bankiga Dhexe uga mahadceliyay wada-shaqaynta dhow ee ay Hay’adda la leeyihiin, isagoona sheegay in NIRA ay diyaarisay Nidaamka Hubiye kaas oo ah hannaan dhijitaal oo fududaynaya hubinta macaamiisha, ayna adeegsan doonaan bangiyada iyo hay’adaha maaliyadeed ee dalka.

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