The National Identification and Registration Authority (NIRA) is Somalia’s key government body responsible for establishing and maintaining the country's comprehensive national identification system. Established under the Identification and Registration Act (Law No. 009 of March 2023), NIRA is entrusted with the task of providing every citizen and legal resident with a secure, verifiable identity through the issuance of a unique National Identification Number (NIN), also known as 'Tirsi Aqoonsi' in Somali.
Enhancing Identity Management in Somalia
NIRA ensures comprehensive verification, registration, and identification of individuals, fostering a secure and reliable identity infrastructure for citizens and legal residents within and outside Somalia.

NIRA verifies the national IDs of all individuals registered both inside and outside of Somalia
- National ID Card
- Residence Identity Card

NIRA monitors the national ID records of all registered individuals, both domestically and abroad.
- Fingerprint
- Face recognition
How to Apply
Applicants submit their application, starting the process of issuing credentials.
Necessary data is collected from the submitted application to ensure all required information is available.
The collected data is thoroughly reviewed for accuracy, completeness, and compliance with requirements.
Upon successful review, the credentials are issued to the applicant, completing the process.

Data Collected for Registration
This comprehensive system records vital personal information and biometrics to create a unique National Identification Number (NIN) for each individual.

provided on token you’ll get from the center. You will get your desired results in seconds.

NIRA Engages Microfinance Companies on National ID Integration
NIRA oo Kulan Wadatashi La Yeelatay Nootaayooyinka Dalka ....
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NIRA and Ministry of Education Launch Joint Initiative to Integrate National ID System with Educational Services
War-murtiyeedka Munaasabadda Isku-xirka Aqoonsiga Qaranka iyo Adeegyada Wasaaradda Waxbarashada, ...
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NIRA and Central Bank of Somalia Sign MoU to Strengthen Financial Services through National ID Integration
Hay’adda NIRA iyo Bankiga Dhexe ee Soomaaliya oo Kala Saxiixday Is-afgarad Iskaashi ah..
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