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- Leadership and Supervisory Skills Training for Registration Supervisors Concludes in Mogadishu

Leadership and Supervisory Skills Training for Registration Supervisors Concludes in Mogadishu
Mogadishu, Somalia – 12/09/2024: A three-day intensive training on Leadership and Supervisory Skills for Registration Supervisors was successfully concluded today in Mogadishu. The workshop was organized by the National Identification and Registration Authority (NIRA) to strengthen the leadership and supervisory capabilities of NIRA's staff responsible for managing Registration Centers across Somalia.
The training focused on equipping participants with essential leadership skills, effective supervision techniques, and operational best practices to ensure that registration activities are conducted efficiently and professionally. NIRA’s Director of Operations, Mr. Mohamed Juni, officially closed the session, delivering motivational remarks to the trainees.
During his closing address, Director Juni urged the participants to apply the newly acquired skills in their daily operations and demonstrate integrity, leadership, and patience when serving Somali citizens. "Your role as supervisors is crucial to the success of NIRA's mission to provide all Somali citizens with a national identity. Lead with diligence, efficiency, and respect for the people you serve," he said.
Hay’adda NIRA oo Soo Gebagebaysay Tababar ku saabsan Xirfadaha Hoggaaminta iyo Kor-joogtaynta
Waxa maanta magaalada Muqdisho lagu soo gabagabeeyay Tababar ku saabsan Xirfadaha Hoggaaminta iyo Kor-joogtaynta ee Kormeerayaasha Diiwaangelinta kaas oo socday muddo saddex maalmood ah. Tababarka oo loogu talagalay in lagu xoojiyo xirfadaha hoggaaminta iyo kor-joogtaynta wax-ku-oolka ah ayaa waxa ka faa'idaystay qaar ka mid ah hawl-wadeennada NIRA ee qaabbilsan kormeerka Xarumaha Diiwaangelinta, waxaana si rasmi usoo xiray Agaasimaha Waaxda Howlgelinta Hay'adda, Mudane Maxamed Juuni.
Agaasime Juuni ayaa shaqaalihii ka qayb-galay tababarka kula dardaarmay inay dhaqangeliyaan xirfadihii iyo aqoontii la baray muddadii uu tababarku socday iyo inay muujiyaan hufnaan, hoggaamin, iyo dulqaad sarreeya marka ay gudanayaan waajibaadkooda ku aaddan u adeegidda shacabka Soomaaliyeed.

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