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- NIRA Holds Deputy Director Handover Ceremony at Headquarters

NIRA Holds Deputy Director Handover Ceremony at Headquarters
Mogadishu, Somalia – September 17th 2024: NIRA hosted an official handover event at its headquarters as the outgoing Deputy Director, Mr. Abdillahi Bihi, handed over office to the newly appointed Deputy Director, Mr. Abdirahman Said Ahmed. The ceremony was witnessed by NIRA’s Director General, Mr. Abdiweli Ali Abdulle (Timacadde), and staff.
In his speech, Mr. Timacadde thanked Mr. Bihi for his contributions to NIRA’s progress and expressed confidence in the new Deputy Director’s ability to continue the authority’s work on the Somali National Identification System.
The newly appointed Deputy Director outlined his vision for advancing NIRA’s goals, while Mr. Bihi expressed gratitude to the NIRA team and wished his successor success.
Maareeye Ku-xigeenka Cusub ee NIRA oo Xilka La Wareegay
Hay’adda Aqoonsiga iyo Diiwaangelinta Qaranka (NIRA) ayaa maanta munaasabad xilwareejin ah ku qabatay Xarunta Dhexe ee Hay’adda, halkaas oo uu Ku-xigeenkii Hore ee Maareeyaha Guud, Mudane Cabdillahhi Biixi uu xafiiska ku wareejiyay Ku-xigeenka Cusub ee Maareeyaha Guud Mudane Cabdiraxmaan Siciid Axmed. Munaasabadda waxaa goobjoog ka ahaa Maareeyaha Guud ee NIRA, Mudane Cabdiweli Cali Cabdulle (Timacadde), iyo qaar ka mid ah hawlwadeennada Hay’adda.
Mudane Cabdiweli Cali Cabdulle (Timacadde) oo munaasabadda ka hadlay ayaa Mudane Cabdillaahi Biixi ku ammaanay doorkii muhiimka ahaa ee uu ka qaatay horumarka NIRA, isaga oo sidoo kalena muujiyay kalsooniddiisa ku aaddan in Ku-xigeenka Maareeyaha Guud ee cusub uu sii dardargelin doono dadaalka Hay’addu ay ugu jirto hirgelinta Nidaamka Aqoonsiga Qaranka Soomaaliya.
Ku-xigeenka Guud ee cusub, Mudane Cabdiraxmaan Siciid Axmed, ayaa dhankiisa soo bandhigay aragtidiisa ku aaddan sii-ambaqaadidda iyo dardargelinta horumarka NIRA, halka Mudane Cabdillaahi Biixi uu uga mahadceliyay Maareeyaha Guud iyo shaqaalaha NIRA taageeradoodii intii uu xilka hayay, isaga oo Maareeye Ku-xigeenka cusubna u rajeeyay guul

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