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NIRA Engages Microfinance Companies on National ID Integration
NIRA Engages Microfinance Companies on National ID Integration
Mogadishu, Somalia – November 28, 2024: NIRA convened a consultation meeting today with representatives of the Somali Microfinance Companies to discuss integrating their services with the National ID system.
The meeting, opened by NIRA's Deputy Director General, Mr. Abdirahman Said Ahmed, and the Chairman of the Somali Microfinance Companies Association, Mr. Abdinassir Dahir Yusuf, focused on enhancing financial access for underserved communities while ensuring compliance with Know Your Customer (KYC) standards.
This initiative is part of NIRA’s broader effort to collaborate with service providers across the country, paving the way for the effective implementation of the National ID system. The authority is currently in the final stages of preparation for issuing physical ID cards, marking a significant milestone in Somalia’s digital transformation journey.
Press Release
NIRA Hosts Consultation Meeting to Integrate National ID with Notary Services
Mogadishu, Somalia – November 27, 2024: The National Identification and Registration Authority (NIRA) convened a critical consultation meeting today in Mogadishu to discuss the integration of the National ID system with notary services across Somalia. The event brought together key stakeholders from the Ministry of Justice, judiciary, notary offices, and other relevant institutions.
The meeting, held under the theme of enhancing collaboration and efficiency in legal and notary services through the National ID System, was attended by high-ranking officials, including NIRA’s Director General, Mr. Abdiweli Ali Abdulle (Timacadde); Deputy Director General, Mr. Abdirahman Said Ahmed; Acting Director General of the Ministry of Justice, Mr. Mohyaddin Hashi Dalmar; Director of the Notaries Department, Mr. Khalif Osman; Judge Khalid Jama of the Benadir Regional Court of Appeal; and Deputy Chairman of the Somali Notaries Association, Dr. Yusuf Tuurxume.
In his opening remarks, Mr. Timacadde highlighted the importance of linking the National ID system with notary services to ensure accurate client identification and secure legal transactions. He introduced the Hubiye Platform, a digital verification tool developed by NIRA, which allows service providers to authenticate the IDs issued by the authority. "This collaboration will eliminate inconsistencies in identification and ensure trust and efficiency in notary services," he stated.
Representatives from the Ministry of Justice and Constitution, echoed these sentiments. Mr. Mohyaddin Hashi Dalmar emphasized the need for closer collaboration between NIRA, the judiciary, and notaries to address gaps in the current system. Judge Khalid Jama Geelle pointed out the critical role a unified ID system will play in streamlining notary services and ensuring legal compliance.
Dr. Yusuf Tuurxume, Deputy Chairman of Somali Notaries Association, welcomed NIRA’s efforts, expressing confidence in the National ID system as a cornerstone for improving the accuracy and security of notary transactions. Representatives from notary offices across the country actively participated in the discussion, sharing their experiences and providing valuable feedback to NIRA officials.
The event concluded with closing remarks from NIRA’s Deputy Director General, Mr. Abdirahman Said Ahmed, and the Director of the Notary Services Department, Mr. Khalif Osman. Both emphasized the importance of sustained collaboration to achieve the goals of integrating notary services with the National ID system.
This initiative marks a significant step toward enhancing legal services in Somalia and ensuring that notary processes are efficient, secure, and aligned with national standards. NIRA remains committed to fostering partnerships and deploying innovative solutions to advance Somalia’s digital transformation.
NIRA oo Kulan Wadatashi La Yeelatay Nootaayooyinka Dalka
Muqdisho, Soomaaliya– Noofeembar 27, 2024: Waxa maanta magaalada Muqdisho ka qabsoomay Kulan Wadatashi ah oo Hay’adda NIRA ay la yeelatay Shirkadaha Maalgelinta Ganacsiyada Yaryar (Microfinance) ee dalka.
Kulanka oo uu furay Maareeye Ku-xigeenka Hay’adda, Mudane Cabdiraxmaan Siciid Axmed, iyo Guddoomiyaha Ururka Shirkadaha Maalgelinta Ganacsiyada Yaryar, Mudane Cabdinaafac Daahir Yuusuf, ayaa ujeedkiisu ahaa in Shirkadaha Maalgelinta Ganacsiyada Yaryar ay adeegyadooda ku xiraan Nidaamka Aqoonsiga Qaranka si sare loogu qaado helitaanka maaliyadeed ee qaybaha kala duwan ee bulshada, looguna hoggaansamo shuruucda iyo halbeegyada Aqoonsashada Macmiilka (KYC).
Hay’adda NIRA ayaa muddooyinkii ugu dambeeyay ku hawlanayd sidii ay qaybaha kala duwan ee bulshada uga tala-gelin lahayd dhaqangelijnta Nidaamka Aqoonsiga Qaranka iyada oo hadda diyaargarowgii ugu dambeeyay loogu jiro daabacaadda Aqoonsiga Qaranka ee lafta ah.
Hay’adda oo Kulan Wadatashi ah La Yeelatay Xafiisyada Nootaayooyinka
Muqdisho, Soomaaliya– Noofeembar 27, 2024: Waxaa maanta Magaalada Muqdisho ka dhacay Kulan Wadatashi ah oo diiradda lagu saarayay Isku-xirka Aqoonsiga Qaranka iyo Adeegyada Nootaayooyinka kaas oo lala yeeshay Xafiisyada Nootaayooyinka ee ka hawlgala dalka.
Maareeyaha Guud ee Hay’adda, Mudane Cabdiweli Cali Cabdulle (Timacadde), oo kulanka furay ayaa hoosta ka xarriiqay sida ay lagama-maarmaanka u tahay xoojinta wada-shaqaynta iyo iskaashiga u dhexeeya Nootaayooyinka Soomaaliyeed iyo Hay’adda, si loo sugo tixraaca dadka loo adeego, isagoona sheegay in la diyaariyay Nidaamka Hubiye ee ay adeeg-bixiyayaashu ku xaqiijin karaan sugnaanshaha iyo saxnimada aqoonsiyada ay Hay’addu bixiso.
Ku-simaha Agaasimaha Guud ee Wasaaradda Caddaaladda iyo Dastuurka, Mudane Muxiyaddiin Xaashi Dalmar iyo Garsoore Khaalid Jaamac Geelle oo kulanka ka hadlay ayaa iyana xoojiyay muhiimadda wada-shaqaynta Wasaaradda Caddaaladda iyo Dastuurka, Waaxda Garsoorka, Nootaayooyinka, iyo Hay’adda NIRA si meesha looga saaro tixraac-la’aanta la xiriirta aqoonsiyada kala duwan ee hadda loo isticmaalo adeegyada Nootaayooyinka.
Sidoo kale, Guddoomiye Ku-xigeenka Ururka Nootaayooyinka Soomaaliyeed, Dr. Yuusuf Tuurxume, oo kulanka ka hadlay ayaa soo dhaweeyay wada-shaqaynta Hay’adda NIRA iyo hirgelinta Nidaamka Aqoonsiga Qaranka. Wakiillada kala duwan ee Nootaayooyinka ayaa iyana dhankooda aragtiyahooda, talooyinkooda, iyo weyddiimahooda la wadaagay masuuliyiinta iyo hawl-wadeennada Hay’adda NIRA, iyagoona isku raacay sida ay baahida ugu qabaan in la helo Nidaam Aqoonsi oo midaysan, la isku hallayn karo, lana xaqiijin karo.
Ugu dambayntii, Kulanka waxa soo xiray Maareeye Ku-xigeenka Hay’adda, Mudane Cabdiraxmaan Siciid Axmed iyo Agaasimaha Waaxda Nootaayooyinka ee Wasaaradda Caddaaladda iyo Dastuurka, Mudane Khaliif Cusmaan, iyaga oo Xafiisyada Nootaayooyinka ku bogaadiyay sida ay ugu heellan yihiin inay Hay’adda kala shaqeeyaan dhaqangelinta Nidaamka Aqoonsiga Qaranka oo lama-huraan u ah sugidda macaamillada sharci iyo adeegyada Nootaayooyinka.

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