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- NIRA Commemorates International Identity Day with a Special Event Highlighting Achievements and Future Plans

NIRA Commemorates International Identity Day with a Special Event Highlighting Achievements and Future Plans
Mogadishu, Somalia – 16th September 2024: The National Identification and Registration Authority (NIRA) marked International Identity Day with a special event at its headquarters in Mogadishu. The event also commemorated the one-year anniversary of the launch of the Somali National Identification System (SNID) and brought together key stakeholders to celebrate the progress made and discuss future plans for the system's expansion.
In his keynote speech, the State Minister of Interior, Reconciliation, and Federal Affairs applauded NIRA for its achievements since the launch of the National ID system on 16th September 2023. He emphasized that the system is a crucial element in ensuring access to rights and services for all Somali citizens, as well as fostering social inclusion and national development.
NIRA's Director General, Mr. Abdiweli Ali Cabdulle (Timacadde), highlighted the operational progress made in establishing registration centers across the Benadir Region and announced that the opening of centers in all Federal Member States is in its final stages. He also unveiled key technological platforms, such as the Hubiye verification system and the E-Aqoonsi mobile platform, which are set to be launched soon to enhance ID verification and accessibility. Addressing public concerns regarding the delay in issuing physical ID cards, Mr. Timacadde reassured citizens that printing will commence before the end of 2024, supported by newly procured high-standard printers. He further emphasized the importance of the temporary certificates currently being issued, which carry a unique identification number (UID), allowing citizens to access essential services in the interim. The event concluded with a note of gratitude to NIRA's partners and stakeholders for their continued support as the authority works toward its goal of registering 15 million Somali citizens by 2026.
Hay’adda NIRA oo Xustay Maalinta Caalamiga ah ee Aqoonsiga Adduunka
Hay’adda Aqoonsiga iyo Diiwaangelinta Qaranka (NIRA) ayaa u dabaaldegtay Maalinta Aqoonsiga Adduunka iyada oo qabatay munaasabad gaar ah oo ka dhacday xarunta dhexe ee Hay’adda. Munaasabaddan ayaa sidoo kale lagu xusay sannad guurada-koowaad ee daahfurka Nidaamka Aqoonsiga Qaranka Soomaaliya (SNID), iyada oo si qotodheer loo falanqeeyay horumarkii lagu tallaabsaday iyo qorshayaasha ku-baahinta nidaamka guud ahaan dalka oo dhan.
Wasiiru-dowlaha Arrimaha Gudaha, Dib-u-heshiisiinta iyo Arrimaha Federaalka Mudane Saadaad Caliyoow oo khudbad muhiim ah ka jeediyay munaasabadda ayaa bogaadiyay waxqabadkii ay NIRA xaqiijisay tan iyo markii la daahfuray Nidaamka Aqoonsiga Qaranka 16kii Sebtembar 2023.
Sidoo kale, Maareeyaha Guud ee NIRA, Mudane Cabdiweli Cali Cabdulle (Timacadde) oo ka hadlay munaasabadda ayaa sheegay horumarka Hay’addu ku tallaabsatay, oo ay ku jiraan xarumaha diiwaangelinta ee laga hirgaliyay Gobolka Benaadir, isagoo shaaciyay in xarumo cusub laga furi doono dhammaan Dowlad Goboleedyada ka hor dhammaadka sannadka.
Isagoo ka jawaabaya walaaca dadweynaha ee ku saabsan dib-u-dhaca ku yimid bixinta kaararka aqoonsiga ayaa Maareeyuhu yiri “Waan ka war-qabnaa walaaca ay dadweynuhu ka qabaan dib-u-dhaca ku yimid helitaanka lafta kaarka aqoonsiga. Waxaan rabaa inaan qof walba u xaqiijiyo in daabacaaddu ay bilaaban doonto ka hor dhammaadka 2024. Waxaanu soo iibsannay qalabkii ugu wanaagsanaa ee daabacaadda, inta kaararka laga bixinayana, shahaadada ku-meelgaarka ah ee wadata Tirsiga Aqoonsiga ayaa buuxinaysa booska kaarka, waxaana lagu heli karaa dhammaan adeegyada muhiimka ah.”
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