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- NIRA and NIS Foundation Strengthen Collaboration for National ID Implementation

NIRA and NIS Foundation Strengthen Collaboration for National ID Implementation
- English
Mogadishu, Somalia – 12/09/2024: The Director General of the National Identification and Registration Authority (NIRA), Abdiweli Ali (Timacadde), held a critical meeting today with the Head of NIS Foundation Somalia, Mr. Kasim Gabow Duale, to enhance collaboration between the two institutions. The meeting centered on fast-tracking the implementation of the national identification system in Somalia.
The leaders discussed key areas where both organizations could pool resources to expedite the ongoing identification system roll-out. Mr. Abdiweli Ali (Timacadde) highlighted the importance of a strong partnership to achieve the project's long-term goals and reiterated the government's commitment to providing a modern identification system to Somali citizens.
During the meeting, essential plans for simplifying and improving identification services were presented, focusing on making the process more accessible to the public. These plans will play a critical role in providing Somali citizens with modern and secure identification documents, which are expected to significantly enhance the quality of government and non-governmental services.
Both parties also explored future cooperation opportunities and strategies to overcome challenges faced by individuals who are yet to be integrated into the national identification system. "This partnership is essential to ensuring that no one is left behind in the national identification efforts," stated Abdiweli Ali (Timacadde).
- Somali
Maareeyaha Guud ee Hay’adda NIRA oo Xafiiskiisa ku Qaabbilay Madaxa Hay’adda NIS Foundation
Maareeyaha Guud ee Hay’adda NIRA, Mudane Abdiweli Timacade, ayaa maanta kulan muhiim ah la qaatay Madaxa Hay’adda NIS Foundation ee Soomaaliya, Mudane Qaasim Gaabow Ducaalle.
Ujeeddada kulanka ayaa ahayd in la xoojiyo wada-shaqeynta labada hay’adood si loo dardar-geliyo horumarka nidaamka aqoonsiga, iyada oo diiradda la saarayo taageerada ku aaddan dadaallada hirgelinta nidaamka aqoonsiga dalka.
Intii uu kulanku socday, waxa la soo bandhigay qorshayaal muhiim ah oo ku saabsan fududeynta adeegga aqoonsiga ee NIRA ugu talagashay dadka Soomaaliyeed. Qorshayaashan ayaa door muhiim ah ka ciyaaraya sidii muwaadiniinta Soomaaliyeed loo siin lahaa aqoonsi rasmi ah oo casri ah, taas oo wax badan ka tari doonta hormarinta tayada adeegyada dowladda iyo kuwa aan dowliga ahayn.
Waxaa sidoo kale si faahfaahsan looga hadlay fursadaha iskaashi ee mustaqbalka iyo sidii loo xallin lahaa caqabadaha ay wajahaan dadka aan weli helin nidaamka aqoonsiga.

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