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- NIRA and Ministry of Education Launch Joint Initiative to Integrate National ID System with Educational Services

NIRA and Ministry of Education Launch Joint Initiative to Integrate National ID System with Educational Services
Mogadishu, Somalia – November 5th 2024: Today in Mogadishu, the National Identification and Registration Authority (NIRA) and the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Higher Education jointly launched a major initiative to integrate Somalia’s National ID System with the Ministry’s educational services. This integration marks a significant step forward in providing secure, efficient, and accessible services for students and educators across Somalia.
The event was co-led by Mr. Abdiwali Ali Abdulle (Timacadde), Director General of NIRA, and H.E. Farah Sheikh Abdulkadir, Minister of Education, Culture, and Higher Education, who both underscored the importance of this initiative for the future of Somalia’s educational system. Also in attendance were H.E. Ali Yusuf Ali-Hoosh, Minister of Interior, Federal Affairs, and Reconciliation; officials from Federal Member State (FMS) education ministries; representatives from the Banadir Regional Administration (BRA); and key figures from educational associations.
In his address, Mr. Timacadde highlighted NIRA’s commitment to supporting all sectors by making the National ID a cornerstone of Somalia’s service infrastructure. “Today’s joint initiative brings us closer to a unified identity system that strengthens educational access across the nation. The National ID will empower students, teachers, and institutions by making essential services more accessible and secure,” he stated.
H.E. Farah Sheikh Abdulkadir emphasized that the integration of the National ID with educational services reflects the Somali government’s commitment to inclusivity and improved service delivery. “This National ID initiative simplifies educational access and supports the long-term development of our students and educators. It’s a step towards a more connected, efficient Somalia,” he noted.
The integration is expected to streamline access to key services, enabling students and teachers to secure certifications, apply for scholarships, and receive financial aid through their National ID. This alignment with educational services will ensure that academic records and personal data are securely and accurately maintained, providing lifelong benefits for students across the country.
War-murtiyeedka Munaasabadda Isku-xirka Aqoonsiga Qaranka iyo Adeegyada Wasaaradda Waxbarashada, Hiddaha iyo Tacliinta Sare
Ka dib kulammo badan oo ay yeesheen Wasaaradda Waxbarashada, Hiddaha iyo Tacliinta Sare iyo Hay’adda Aqoonsiga iyo Diiwaangelinta Qaranka (NIRA), kuwaas oo lagu lafa-gurayay sidii la isugu xiri lahaa Nidaamka Aqoonsiga Qaranka iyo Adeegyada Wasaaradda, ayaa labada dhinac isku raaceen qodobbada soo socda:
- In dhammaan ardayda dhigata Dugsiyada Sare iyo kuwa codsanaya Shahaadada Dugsiga Sare lagu diiwaangeliyo, laguna siiyo Aqoonsiga Qaranka si lacag-la’aan ah (Khidmad-dhaaf).
- In Hay’adda NIRA ay fududeyso diiwaangelinta Macallimiinta iyo Ardayda Dugsiyada Sare iyada oo hirgelinaysa xarumo u gaar ah oo loogu adeego.
- In ardayda dhigata Dugsiga Sare (Fasalka 9aad ilaa 12aad) iyo Macallimiinta wax ka dhigta Dugsiyada Dadweynaha iyo kuwa gaarka loo leeyahay ay waajib ku tahay is-diiwaangelinta iyo qaadashada Aqoonsiga Qaranka oo socon doonta ilaa Janaayo 2025.
- In helitaanka dhammaan adeegyada ay bixiso Wasaaradda Waxbarashada, Hiddaha iyo Tacliinta Sare sida shahaadooyinka, tasdiiqinta, iyo diiwaangelinta macallimiinta, si rasmi loogu xiro qaadashada Aqoonsiga Qaranka.
- In ardayda dhigata Dugsiga Hoose/Dhexe (Fasalka 1aad ilaa 8aad) ay waajib ku tahay qaadashada Aqoonsiga Qaranka laga bilaabo Febraayo ilaa Juun 2025.
- In wixii ka dambeeya Sannad-dugsiyeedka 2025-2026, ardayda cusub ee ku soo biiraya dugsiyada waxbarashada lagu diiwaangeliyo Aqoonsiga Qaranka.
- In marka la gaaro Sannad-dugsiyeedkaka 2025-2026, arday kasta oo dhigta Jaamacadaha dalka laga doonayo in uu haysto Aqoonsiga Qaranka iyo in uu is-waafajiyo xogta ugu diiwaangashan Jaamacadda iyo Aqoonsiga Qaranka.
- In si rasmi ah la isugu xiro Nidaamka Aqoonsiga Qaranka iyo Nidaamyada Wasaaradda Waxbarashada, Hiddaha iyo Tacliinta Sare si loo xaqiijiyo, loona mideeyo xogta Ardayda iyo Macallimiinta.

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