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- NIRA and Bulsho SACCO Sign Agreement to Link National ID with Financial Services

NIRA and Bulsho SACCO Sign Agreement to Link National ID with Financial Services
Mogadishu, Somalia – 01/09/2024: The National Identification and Registration Authority (NIRA) and Bulsho SACCO have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to collaborate on registering Bulsho SACCO’s clients with the National Identification System. The agreement aims to enhance the verification of clients through the national ID platform, ensuring that all SACCO members are formally recognized and can access a range of services more efficiently.
The MoU was signed by NIRA Director General Abdiweli Ali (Timacadde) and Bulsho SACCO Manager Abdulkadir M. Abdi (Hilowle) at a formal ceremony. The agreement is part of NIRA’s ongoing efforts to expand collaboration with Somalia’s financial institutions to ensure the widespread adoption of the national ID system within the financial sector.
"This agreement marks an important step in ensuring that our clients are recognized and can fully participate in the financial system. By integrating Bulsho SACCO with NIRA’s identification system, we can enhance security and trust in our financial transactions," said Abdulkadir M. Abdi (Hilowle).
Hay’adda Aqoonsiga iyo Diiwaangelinta Qaranka iyo Shirkadda Bulsho SACCO oo Kala Saxiixday Heshiis Is-afgarad
Hay’adda Aqoonsiga iyo Diiwaangelinta Qaranka iyo Shirkadda Bulsho SACCO ayaa gaaray Heshiis Is-afgarad kaas oo nuxurkiisu yahay in labada dhinac iska kaashadaan diiwaangelinta macaamisha ku xiran Shirkadda si ay u helaan Aqoonsiga Qaranka.
Heshiiskan ayaa u gogol-xaaraya in sidoo kale Shirkaddu ay ka faa’idaysato Nidaamka Hubiye ee NIRA kaas oo loogu talagalay xaqiijinta sugnaanta Aqoonsiga Qaranka si loo hubiyo in macaamiisha Shirkaddu noqdaan kuwo la aqoonsan yahay.
Tallaabadan ayaa daba-socota dadaallo is-dabajoog ah oo ay Hay’addu ugu jirto inay iskaashi buuxa la samayso dhammaan xarumaha maaliyadeed ee dalka iyada oo dhawaan heshiis kan oo kale la gashay idil ahaan bangiyada dalka si Nidaamka Aqoonsiga Qaranka loogu xiro hannaanka maaliyadeed ee Soomaaliya.
Maareeyaha Guud ee NIRA Mudane Cabdiweli Cali Cabdulle (Timacadde) iyo Maamulaha Bulsho SACCO Cabdulqaaddir M. Cabdi (Hilowle) oo kala metelaya labada dhinac ayaa si rasmi ah u saxiixay Is-afgaradka.

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