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- NIRA and the Somali Disaster Management Agency Focus on Registering Vulnerable Populations

NIRA and the Somali Disaster Management Agency Focus on Registering Vulnerable Populations
- English
Mogadishu, Somalia – 11/09/2024: The Director General of the National Identification and Registration Authority (NIRA), Abdiweli Ali (Timacadde), met with the Chairman of the Somali Disaster Management Agency (SODMA), Mr. Mohamud Moallim Abdulle, to discuss collaborative efforts in registering Somalia’s most vulnerable populations. The two leaders focused on ensuring that citizens in vulnerable conditions, including beneficiaries of humanitarian aid, are registered within the national identification system.
During the meeting, both parties highlighted the importance of ensuring that marginalized groups, such as people impacted by natural disasters, are recognized and receive their legal entitlements. They emphasized the need for the government to cover registration costs for these groups, facilitating their access to humanitarian aid and essential services.
The discussion concluded with both entities stressing the importance of strengthening partnerships to support vulnerable communities and improve the efficiency and inclusiveness of humanitarian assistance. The meeting also underscored the importance of ensuring that all Somalis have equal access to the rights and protections afforded by official national identification.
- Somali
Maareeyaha Guud ee Haya'dda NIRA iyo Guddoomiyaha Hay’adda Maareynta Musiibooyinka oo Kulmay
Maareeyaha Guud ee Haya'dda NIRA, Mudane Cabdiweli Cali (Timacadde), ayaa kulan la qaatay Guddoomiyaha Hay’adda Maareynta Musiibooyinka, Mudane Maxamuud Macallin Cabdulle, iyagoo ka wada hadlay Nidaamka Aqoonsiga Qaranka iyo dadaallada lagu diiwaangelinayo dadweynaha Soomaaliyeed iyo dadka sharciga ku deggan dalka.
Intii kulanku socday, waxa labada dhinac diiradda saareen sidii loo diiwaangelin lahaa dadka nugul ee Soomaaliyeed iyo ka faa'idaystayaasha mashaariicda gargaarka bini'aadannimo.
Labada dhinac ayaa soo jeediyay in ay dowladdu debberto kharashka diiwaangelinta dadka nugul, si loo fududeeyo helitaankooda gargaarka, isla markaana ay muwaaddiniintaasi u noqdaan kuwo la aqoonsan yahay oo hela xuquuqdooda kala duwan.
Ugu dambayntii, labada Hay’adood ayaa hoosta ka xarriiqay muhiimadda xoojinta xiriirka wada-shaqaynta iyo in la iska kaashado sare u qaadidda waxtarka dadaallada gargaarka bini'aadannimo ee dadka ay saameeyeen dagaallada iyo masiibooyinka dabiiciga ah.

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